Saturday 9 April 2016

Traditional Malaysian Arts Form - Batik

This is the only presentation or can said performance for this subject. Each of the group need to choose one topic that can represent for a traditional Malaysia art form. For my group, we choose 'Batik' as a traditional Malaysia art form. As we know that many formal event that held in Malaysia, the participants will wear batik cloth that present our cultural. There's lot of society have batik cloth to wear when they going to meeting or attending event. My dad have a lot of different colour batik cloth that he wears when going to his society events.

My group decided to make a video about Batik in our presentation. Because we can't demo how to make Batik inside the classroom. We do survey and going to record for our video. The first place that we visit is Ilham Gallery which located near KLCC. We going there to look around how the artist present the art on the batik. And also see some special batik that made to represent different characteristic. 

Capture and record in Ilham Gallery.

Batik can also transform to meaningful arts.

Batik also can represent different characteristic in mask form.

The cops to make batik.

 Group photo in Ilham Gallery. 

The second place we go is Jadi Batek Gallery. We going there to have interview with artist and also know more about the process of making a batik. In Jadi Batek Gallery, we can see how the artist drawing and colouring on the white cloth with they free hand. They draw the draft on a small piece of paper and start drawing out with wax on the white cloth. 

The art tools and colour that used by artist.

The artist is draw with wax by free hand.

The artist is colouring on the white cloth.

The artist is fixing the colour.

The last process is to cook the batik cloth after it fully dry. But we cant record it, because the process is not available on the time we visiting. 

When the time in our presentation, we mention that Batik in Malaysia is more on flower and leaf, not human and animal. And Ms.Raja and Ms.Ezzati told us about the taboo of Malay cultural. I learnt new thing from them and know more about the Batik in Malaysia.

Monday 4 April 2016

Five Arts Centre - Baling

This is the second time going to the field trip for is subject. We are going to Five Arts Centre to watch theatre. This theatre is named ‘Baling’ which is directed by Mark Teh.

‘Baling’ is a documentary performance that reconstructs these historical negotiations between Tunku Abdul Rahman, David Marshall and Ching Peng, where various visions on building a new nation were imagined, discussed and discarded. Reading from publicly available transcripts, the performer-researchers relook at the meanings of freedom, loyalty, terrorism, reconciliation, surrender, sacrifice and independence, and consider how the phantoms of our history continue to haunt our present.

This is the first time I’m watching theatre in my life. It’s a quite interesting experience, because in this theatre we need to move around to different angle and going upstairs for another section. We are watching some video and the performance that present by the performers. 

Actually I'm not really understand the overall performance, because my knowledge of history is very bad. But I try my bst to understand what the performers trying to tell us. The psrt that I remember the most is tearing papers during their performance. I can feel their anger and desire while they are performing.

The most impressive section for me is the performing about Chin Peng. The whole room hanging with a lot of Chin Peng's photo, and also have an interview video that showing us. For the interview video, I feel that Chin Peng is too old, maybe he already forgot many thing that he had done in his young age, so he cannot answer what the interviewer was asked. Chin Peng needs a lot of time to think a question, but ended up still doesn't answer anything. In the Q&A section, I did not ask any question, because I really don't know what overall is about. I just sat quietly and listen to others.  

This is what I have observe in in this theatre. Lastly, coming with the group photo that we had took after the discussion section. 

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah

Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah is a movie that directed and written by Mamat Kalid in year 2010. The synopsis of Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah is about a man named Hussien has long worked in Singapore and he finally took a decision to return back to his hometown - Kampung Pisang. Upon return to his home, he found out that his neighbor, Kak Limah has strange behavior. She has a messy hair and do not answer to Hussien's question. In the night, Hussien suffered a frightening incident when he wants to sleep. Kak Limah was laying besides him. Hussien shouts and rushes to Pak Munawar's shop and told to the villages that Kak Limah already become a ghost.

The topic of the movie review about Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah that we going to do this week is to conduct a genre analysis of this film and to discuss the development of commercial film in Malaysia. Below comes along the movie review that had done by me and my partner.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

15 Malaysia Project

15Malaysia is a short film project. It consists of 15 short films made by 15 Malaysian filmmakers. These films not only deal with socio-political issues in Malaysia, they also feature some if the best-known faces in the country, including actors, musicians and top political leaders.

 Short films of 15Malaysia:

       Title                          Director                 Release Date
01. PROTON SAGA               Ho Yuhang                  17 Aug 2009
02. CHOCOLATE                  Yasmin Ahmad            19 Aug 2009
03. THE TREE                      Amir Muhammad         21 Aug 2009
04. HOUSE                         Linus Chung                 24 Aug 2009
05. HALAL                         Liew Seng Tat              26 Aug 2009
06. THE SON                      Desmond Ng                28 Aug 2009
07. LUMPUR                      Kamal Sabran              31 Aug 2009
08. ONE FUTURE                 Tan Chui Mui                02 Sep 2009
09. SLOVAK SLING               Woo Ming Jin              04 Sep 2009
10. GERHANA                    James Lee                   07 Sep 2009
11. METER                         Benji & Bahir                09 Sep 2009
12. DUIT KECIL                    Johan John                 11 Sep 2009
13. HEALTHY PARANOIA       Khairil Bahar               14 Sep 2009
14. LOLLIPOP                      Nam Ron                    15 Sep 2009
15. ROJAK!                         Suleiman Brothers        16 Sep 2009

Me and my partner will select 3 short films in 15Malaysia Project to do a short film review. The topic that we going to talk about in this week are (1) how does the film reflect current social reality in today's Malaysian society? (2) what are the issues the filmmakers trying to highlight to the audience? (3) how do the filmmakers differ from the previous generation of filmmakers? 


The first short film that selected in 15 Malaysia Project is "Duit Kecil' which is directed by Johan John. The synopsis of this short film is about a man went to a brothel to look for a prostitute. He find himself without small change in the cheap brothel. Many arguments ensue and problems faced by the Malaysian common man are discussed humorously.


The second short film that selected in 15 Malaysia Project is "Lollipop' which is directed by Nam Ron. The synopsis of this short film is about a haunting portrayal of a pedophile preparing to hunt, interspersed with metaphors on the state of Malaysian politics. 


The last short film that selected in 15 Malaysia Project is "Meter' which is directed by Lim Benji. The synopsis of this short film is about the controversial head of UMNO Youth plays a taxi driver who is asked his views on some current Malaysian talking points. He ends up offering a keris to a Chinese boy as a gift.

After the intro for the selected short films in 15 Malaysia, lets talk about today's topic. Here's the video for our review.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

3 Abdul

 3 Abdul is a 1964 Malaysian comedy film which is directed and written by P.Ramlee. This movie is about three sons of a wealthy businessman named Abdul Wahad, Abdul Wahid, and Abdul Wahud caught in a web of trickery set by Shadiq Segaraga who is a friemd of their father. Abdul Wahad and Abdul Wahid are selfish and money-minded person. After their father has a heart attack, they start plotting out how much wealth they are set to gain when their father passed away. Unlike Abdul Wahud who care about his faither.. He tries to get his father to go to the hospital to treat his illness. Although his father strongly against hospital because he do not want his father death.

 This is Sadiq Segaraga and his daughters, Hamidah, Rafidah, Ghasidah.

This is 3 brothers fight when their father illness getting worst.

Following with the video is about the review of 3 Abdul.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Perempuan, Isteri dan ...

Perempuan, isteri dan ... is a movie that directed and written by U-Wei Haji Saari in year 1993. The synopsis of this movie is about a lady, named Zaleha is about to get married to Amir but elopes to southern Thailand to marry someone else instead. The enraged Amir tracks the couple down, kills the groom and sells Zaleha to a pimp. Six months later, Amir brings her back. She tricks him into marrying her. But the six months Zaleha spent as a prostitute have changed her, and she now wants revenge.

This scene is in the hotel and how Zaleha tricks Amir to marry with her. 

These two scene is about how Zaleha started to revenge to Amir by flirting with other man. 

Here comes with the movie review of Perempuan, isteri dan ... that had done by me and my partner. 

Sunday 28 February 2016

Class Discussion - East Malaysia

Sabah and Sarawak is located at the east of Malaysia. Malaysian called there as East Malaysia. And the place that I grow up is Selangor which is located at west of Malaysia, also known as West Malaysia. The main economic is come from West Malaysia.

The above is the flag for Sabah and following with Sarawak. 

In today class, we had discuss what we had know about the East Malaysia. But most of us not really know deeply about it. We just know they are located and East Malaysia and covered with all jungle. This knowledge is what we had learn in our primary and secondary school. 

But I knew a little bit about the lifestyle because of my friend. Every time I worked when my semester break, I know a lot of friend from different state, different race, different cultural and different religion. As we know that Malaysia is a multi-cultural country, we have the ability to know many cultural when we are young. But I'm so surprise that the lifestyle at East Malaysia are different from us. 

As I know from my friend who came here to work, he told me that people in West Malaysia are selfish. Anything that happened around they will just walk away and ignore the incident. The example that gave from my friend is like rob. People in West Malaysia will just ignore the incident, but people in Eat Malaysia will coming out and help to catch the robbery. Every single house in East Malaysia are helping each other and will have communication everyday. But in West Malaysia, people are busy in the life, busy to work, busy to study, they live in their own life and not communicate with other. They just stay in the own circle. Many of the West Malaysia maybe not knowing the neighbour after staying long time. I feel that people is East Malaysia are more human touch than West Malaysia. 

Other than that, we can see the restaurant in Sabah and Sarawak sitting with different races. The Malay can get inside Chinese restaurant as long as they do not having any non-halal food. Not like the restaurant in West Malaysia, people will feel weird when seeing Malay having meals in Chinese restaurant. Because Chinese restaurant always served with the non-halal ingredient. 

There also have two main race group in East Malaysia, which is Kadazan that mostly located at Sabah, and Iban that mostly located at Sarawak.

The costume of Iban is more on colourful.

The costume of Kadazan is more on black. 

I feel that people in East Malaysia are most unity than West Malaysia. And I will make a chance to visit East Malaysia in future. 

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Chinese New Year

It's the last day of the Chinese New Year. I'm writing the post to share the happiness and how I celebrate my Chinese New Year. Every year almost the same, my family will going back to hometown which is Langkap, Perak. Not much people know about this place because it's a rural area. People here mostly worked as a farmer. The signature view when getting inside my dad's hometown, we can see a huge paddy field. 

Every year, we will going back to my grandma's house to have our reunion dinner. My daddy's family is a big family. He have 5 brothers and 4 sisters which now all becoming my uncles and aunty. My grandpa is already passed away when my dad was young. So I didn't see him before. My grandma need to wait all of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren coming back only can have the reunion dinner. It is a traditional for my family. But the reunion dinner just include son's and family, daughter need to wait until Chor 2 which is the second day of Chinese New year only can coming back. After the reunion dinner, Grandma and uncle will gave us Angpao. My little cousins and nephews will playing the fireworks. 

In Chor 2, we will going back to my mom side grandmother house, which is located at Teluk Intan, Perak. The distance between my grandma and grandmother house just 20 to 30 minutes. This day also my grandmother's birthday, we will celebrate with her in Chinese restaurant. 

Chor 3, we will going back to grandma's house again to meet my aunty and other cousins. My aunties will prepare Red Vinasse Chicken Mee Suah - 红酒鸡汤面线 for us. This is a traditional food for my cultural. Because I'm a Fu Zhou people. Every family of my grandma's children must learn to cook this to make sure this recipe won't lost in future. The red vinasse also handmade my ourselves. My grandma teaches all people from making red vinasse until how to cook. 

After the short gathering at hometown, we will back to KL on Chor 4. Then we will going to Tian Hou Gong for pray. 

  Family photo for this year.

 Line up to make a wish for this year. 

My mom very enjoy her new year. XD

In Chor 7, is a human birthday - 人日. My family will celebrate together in restaurant. And here come our first Lou Shang.

With Big Chopstick.

Then in Chor 8 night, we will celebrate for the Bai Tian Gong - 拜天公 at my Daddy's friends house. It's a Hokkien festival, and my mom is Hokien-lang. There also have firework after praying. 

It's also a small gathering with my childhood friends. I know my daddy's friends family since young. 


In Chor 11, I'm going to Pavillion have my reunion lunch with my childhood friends. 

Here's the end. And this is how i spent my time during the Chinese New Year. Wish everyone stay healthy and happily in this year. Gong Xi Fa Chai 

Saturday 30 January 2016

Galeri Petronas - Tanahairku

It's our first field trip for this semester. Our class is going to Petronas Gallery which located in KLCC. We depart from Sungai Long on 10am by bus.

Leave from the school.

 Here we are - Petronas Gallery. 

 Today we came here for the #tanahairku exhibition. This exhibition is about Two Decades of Bringing Malaysians Together exhibition that features PETRONAS TV commercials, webfilms, print ads and on ground activations which has a unifying values to bring Malaysians together.

There are three section of the exhibition that I liked the most.

These three section represent my childhood time in between 7 to 17 years old. The first picture is waiting bus at bus station. As my parents are working, so I took the bus going and back from my secondary school. I still remember there's a lot of different school bus parked around the bus station, and lots of stalls selling junk food, fruits, and snack around. The second picture makes me remember my primary school.

Paper file, exercise book, and the steel pencil box, are the must have things to bring to the school. At my time since primary school, that time is around 1998 - 2003, there still do not have any pencil case made by cloth and zip, but is made by steel or plastic box. Beside with the brown color desk and chair that made by wood also a signature things that inside the primary school at that time. In todays, when I'm going back to school, I can't see this kind of desk and chair anymore. The last two pictures is "Draw Out The Childhood Dreams", this section made me think back to my kindergarden. Teachers always asked us to draw things that in our mind.

In my childhood time, there's do not have much electronic entertainment. What I do is cycling, drawing, playing hide and seek, chasing little chic as my house is in the kampung. But nowadays, kids just stick with that electronic devices, playing games, watching movies and cartoon using Ipad, tablets, TV, playstation. And todays world is dangerous, most of the parents do not let their children take public transport, they scared kidnap happen to their child. Kids nowadays cannot feel the freedom that I had in my childhood time. So i feel this 3 section is the most meaningful and memorable for me in this exhibition.

There is many sections of the exhibition use objects from the past to evoke a sense of nostalgia in the audience. The object that held some nostalgia significance for me is tricycle. Tricycle is significant to me is because my grandfather is a tricyclist in Teluk Intan, Perak. When I was still young, I remember that my grandpa going out to work with his tricycle. After his work, he will come back and bring me and my brother going to the nearby grocery shop to buy some sweets for us. Sometime, me and my brother also will play around the tricycle when it was parked outside the house.

Lastly, is some photo section to bring you around the exhibition with me.

Together our journey continues in our TANAHAIR.