Saturday 9 April 2016

Traditional Malaysian Arts Form - Batik

This is the only presentation or can said performance for this subject. Each of the group need to choose one topic that can represent for a traditional Malaysia art form. For my group, we choose 'Batik' as a traditional Malaysia art form. As we know that many formal event that held in Malaysia, the participants will wear batik cloth that present our cultural. There's lot of society have batik cloth to wear when they going to meeting or attending event. My dad have a lot of different colour batik cloth that he wears when going to his society events.

My group decided to make a video about Batik in our presentation. Because we can't demo how to make Batik inside the classroom. We do survey and going to record for our video. The first place that we visit is Ilham Gallery which located near KLCC. We going there to look around how the artist present the art on the batik. And also see some special batik that made to represent different characteristic. 

Capture and record in Ilham Gallery.

Batik can also transform to meaningful arts.

Batik also can represent different characteristic in mask form.

The cops to make batik.

 Group photo in Ilham Gallery. 

The second place we go is Jadi Batek Gallery. We going there to have interview with artist and also know more about the process of making a batik. In Jadi Batek Gallery, we can see how the artist drawing and colouring on the white cloth with they free hand. They draw the draft on a small piece of paper and start drawing out with wax on the white cloth. 

The art tools and colour that used by artist.

The artist is draw with wax by free hand.

The artist is colouring on the white cloth.

The artist is fixing the colour.

The last process is to cook the batik cloth after it fully dry. But we cant record it, because the process is not available on the time we visiting. 

When the time in our presentation, we mention that Batik in Malaysia is more on flower and leaf, not human and animal. And Ms.Raja and Ms.Ezzati told us about the taboo of Malay cultural. I learnt new thing from them and know more about the Batik in Malaysia.

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